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The Curate's Blog

Rev Annabelle Elletson

We had the whole of Class 3 in the church today, accompanied by Mr John, for a service wishing the five leavers well as they look forward to moving on to their next stage - Crickhowell High School. They shared prayers and reflections that they had each written for the service, and we thought about next steps, and the faith that God would be with them.

Before the service, under the guidance of John Meredith, DDE, they took part in activities outside in the churchyard, walking a labyrinth, pausing for reflection in the centre, breathing, praying, and thinking about the environment around them. All this took place in the shadow of the three thousand year old yew tree, which made us all think.

We wish them all well, those moving on and those we will look forward to seeing again next term, and all of them are in our prayers.

Rev Annabelle Elletson

Congratulations to the group of intrepid cyclists who peddled all the way from Llanbedr to Llandrindod Wells yesterday, to deliver armfuls of responses to the Powys County Council proposal to close the school. Given all the reasons found to NOT close the school, and the efforts being made by the whole community to get that message across, let's hope they listen.

Rev Annabelle Elletson

Raphael and Inis Oírr, who will be playing for us this evening in the Church as part of the Chamber Music concert series, played for the children at the school this afternoon. Even though Class 3 had been for a long walk during the day, they were all held rapt for a whole half hour, and as well as violin and viola Inis Oírr showed them what a recorder can really sound like.


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